Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Week 10: Presenting Mission through Multi-Media Online

This week you will be looking at multi-media resources offered on the church websites, especially any welcome videos they offer that speak to focus and identity of the church.  You are asked to find 2 videos to watch and take notes on them. Please make sure one is a general or informational video and one is a sermon video. If the video is over 30 mins you can fast forward to the end and watch the last 5 minutes (paying attention to the introduction and  conclusion of the message are key elements to take notes on).  After you have done this

Summary & Description of Video 1

Summary & Description of Video 2

What seem to be the main message/s communicate in the 2 videos you watched?

What message about the mission of the "Church" is modeled and communicated in these videos specifically and the type of multi-media materials they provide generally on the site?
-        What is seen in the video (images, performance) that communicates this?
-     What is heard in the video (quotes, slogans, ideas) that communicate this?

(2)   How would you finish this statement: 
Based on the materials and information shared in these videos this Church exists for the following reason/s…

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Week 12: Performing Religious Identity through the Digital

This week you will produce 350-500 summary report synthesizing your claims and observations from the previous week's blogging assignment...